The February 2018 edition of the Fly Fisher is now available. Click the following link to view:
This includes:
- The Presidents Report
- Calendar – Coming Events
- Noojee Trip Jan 2018
- Members Night – 13 December
- Flies / Fly Tying
- Member Photos
The February 2018 edition of the Fly Fisher is now available. Click the following link to view:
This includes:
The December 2017 edition of the Fly Fisher is now available. Click the following link to view:
This includes:
The November 2017 edition of the Fly Fisher is now available. Click the following link to view:
This includes:
The October 2017 edition of the Fly Fisher is now available. Click the following link to view:
This includes:
The September 2017 edition of the Fly Fisher is now available. Click the following link to view:
This includes:
Dear members
We have set a date for the Annual Christmas BBQ Lunch
10 December
12pm to 4pm
Venue – TBA
So make sure you keep it free. It is always a fantastic event.
The August 2017 edition of the Fly Fisher is now available. Click the following link to view:
This includes:
Dear Members,
If you have not paid your annual subs, please pay urgently.
With the Trout Season opening shortly you MUST be a FINANCIAL member to attend any club activity.
If you elect to direct debit, please please please use your surname as a reference, otherwise pay at the next meeting Wednesday 23rd August.
Congratulations to the new committee members led by John Mennen. Details of the new committee can be located under the Contact Us tab.
Photos of the Weipa trip have been added to the Galley | 2017 page in the members only section of the website. For the memories of those who were there, or for those who want to go one day, there are some amazing fish and scenery there.
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