50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner

***A message from the Club President***

Dear members,

By now you should all be aware that our club is going to reach a significant milestone later this month being 50 years since incorporation. This is something that is really worth celebrating, and I want to encourage everyone to take part in the celebrations that we have planned for early to mid June.

The premiere event to celebrate this great achievement is our 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner being held on Saturday the 17th of June at Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron.

So far we have sold around 55 tickets (Out of 100) and I encourage you all to come along and bring your partners for a wonderful meal, some quality entertainment and some dancing.

I caught up with our founding President, Mick Hall, in Ballarat earlier this week, and we discussed why Southern Fly Fishers was founded. The key reason was that a Fly Fishing club did not exist that encouraged both female and family participation back in the late 1960’s. It seems that we at Southern have certainly been trail blazers over the last 50 years.

That is why we have made this celebration an event to be attended by not only the Fisher Folk, but also their partners who support them in their pursuit of the ultimate enjoyment that Fly Fishing provides.

There will be lucky door prizes on the night (Not particularly related to fishing) and it is certainly lining up to be an enjoyable and memorable event.

If for some reason you can not get along to the club to buy your tickets, then please contact Tom Galloway (Our ticket man) to see what can be arranged.

I look forward to seeing you on the night.

Scott Dargan
SFF President

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