“If I only had 6 flies” — Fly Tying course

  • Monday nights  7:30pm to 9:30pm for 7 weeks
  • Commencing Monday 11th August to 22nd September
  • Club rooms Turner Rd Highett

Over the 7 weeks you will learn about Tools and Materials and get to tie 6 different flies that will provide you at the end of the course with a fly box of flies for practical use, our experienced instructors will also provide details of how to best fish each fly.

No experience is necessary however you will  be required to have a basic set of tools, if you don’t currently have these tools a basic set of fly tying tools will be available for purchase at a very reasonable price.

There is no cost for current financial members, Southern will supply all hooks and materials at no cost.

For non financial members and guests there is a charge of $35 for the course.

Places are limited to 16 so get you name down early, first come first served.

Please register your place by email to Graham Foxman at  membership@southernflyfishers.org.au no later than 31 July 2014.

** NOTE: All places have now been filled. Stay tuned for future fly tying courses…**


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